
EWW (Entertainment WorldWide News) is a team consisting of young, encouraging authors who track down all the news surfacing all around the globe relating to TV, Movies, Games, Music, Anime, and other amusement directions.

Our goal is to cover the entire list of amusement events happening within the current day. We're trying not to miss the most important news that may entertain you.

EWW is a young project, and we're making our first steps in professional journalism. If you found any typos or mismatches in our articles, don't take them seriously since our primary purpose is to deliver the news fast. We are not about politics and finance when the data has to be accurate. Yet, we check our sources to deliver only reliable news.

Enjoy the latest entertainment content from all around the world on EWW.

Derek Umberstain

Derek Umberstain: Born in Germany, Derek is currently living in London, UK. He is a CEO in EWW, and his passion is to highlight the game news.

Dan Rubenstein

Rubenstein is a Jewish origin entrepreneur who is a CTO in EWW. His goal is to provide the stable work of EWW and all its categories. Dan is also a passionate anime fan.

Michael Prokofiev

Michael Prokofiev is of Russian origin, which follows from his renowned family name. Yet, he has no relations to the famous musician and composer. Nonetheless, Michael's passion is, surprisingly, music. He is an Editor in Chief in EWW.

Also in charge are our regular writers and contributors: